The Liebster Award

Well, ladies and gentlemen, it’s not a Tony Award, but it’s something!

Thanks to Everyone Has a Story for nominating me for the Liebster Award! I’m sure that grasping at straws to find 11 book bloggers was not how you wanted to spend your afternoon, but please know that I am quite flattered!

If you have found your blog on my coveted list of Liebster Award nominees, please follow the steps below (that do not require handwriting this letter and sending it to 11 other people in the hopes that one day your wish may be granted). But it will be fun.

1. Link & Thank the blogger who nominated you (that would be me, Reading Up with the Joneses)
2. Answer the 11 questions your nominator gives you (these questions are at the bottom of the post. They’re not the same ones I received from my nominator!)
3. Tag 11 other bloggers who have 200 or less followers, or thereabouts.
4. Ask the 11 bloggers you nominated 11 questions and let them know you nominated them!

Everyone Has a Story gave me these questions:

1. What is your favorite genre to read? 

I read a broad range of books, so it’s hard to pick a favorite. I would probably go with middle grades to young adult fantasy fiction to be my chart topper, though. The Winterling Series, The Chronicles of Narnia, His Dark Materials, etc. Apparently, I really like the idea of other dimensions and worlds.

2. Least favorite genre?

Historical Biographies. I’m sure they’re interesting. I just like make-believe better.

3. How old were you when you discovered your love for books?

I was having speed-reading contests with my bff in 3rd grade (she always beat me because I preferred to actually ‘read’ the story), so sometime before then. My older brother loved books, so he always took me to the library. Actually, I think we just went to the library because it was cheaper than childcare. I remember being there for what seemed like hours…hmmm…

4. Where is your favorite place to read?

On my back porch either during a breezy Fall day or drizzly grey Spring day. Any other time of the year it’s either sweltering or freezing. 

5. Have you ever tried writing a book of your own?

I did. When I was in sixth grade. About a girl who went to horse camp during the summer and discovered that her horse could talk. Together they saved the barn from…something. I don’t remember. I still have the manuscript, though. I worked on it forever.

6. Do you have a favorite bookstore?

Yes! The Bookshelf, Downtown Thomasville, Georgia! 

7. Who are your favorite authors?

C.S. Lewis, Maggie Stiefvater, Rainbow Rowell, Abbi Glines, Rick Riordan

8. How did you come up with the name for your blog?

I thought long and hard. 

9. Do you always read reviews before beginning a new book or do you just take your chances?

No, not always. If it’s for an author that I pretty much know I’m going to enjoy, I dive right in. Many times, I’m reading Advanced Reading Copies where there aren’t a lot of reviews available. Which is where I come in.

10. Do you prefer to read on electronic devices or from a hard copy of a book?

I ‘prefer’ a hard copy. To be more specific, I prefer an actual hardbound copy over a paperback. But I still read many, many books on Kindle, Nook, Mobi and BlueFire just because it’s cheaper for authors and publishers to send ARC’s in digital formats.

11. Favorite quote from a book?

“It is the first day of November, and so, today, someone will die.”

from The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater

I know, it’s terrifying, but I love it! This book is SO good.

I actually have another favorite quote from C.S. Lewis’ The Last Battle, but I can’t put my hands on it right now!

I now nominate 11 people:

The Books Reader
Trusty Page Turners
Readers + Writers Journal
Books with Loz
Let Books Bee
Sweet Tea and Spurs
The Quintessential Bibliophile
Laura’s Little Book Blog
Too Clever
Cute Peach
The Bookshelf

These are the questions for you to answer:

If you had to choose by the cover, would you choose a white or black book?

Favorite book cover?

Favorite book to read and gossip about to your other book nerd friends?

Book that took you the longest to plow through?

What’s the average length of the books you read?

Do you read more or less now that you also blog?

Favorite childhood book?

Which fictional character would be your best friend?

Which fictional character would you like to punch in the nose?

Do you ever mix up reality with the books you’re reading/have read?

Why do half of us use the Hemingway theme? Make up your own question if you’re not even sure what that is. 


Read Up!